Custom data sample

This sample demonstrates how to extend the wxXmlSerializer about own data types, In this sample wxColourDataType.

First of all the user have to create the new IO handler and define the macros which will be used for marking serialized data members (code taken from CustomDataSample.h):

// declaration of a class 'xsColourDataPropIO' encapsulating custom property I/O handler
// for 'wxColouData' data type
XS_DECLARE_IO_HANDLER(wxColourData, xsColourDataPropIO);

// definition macros which create new serialized wxColourData property (without/with defined default value). data type's assertion is not compulsory, but usefull...
#define XS_SERIALIZE_COLOURDATA(x, name) wxASSERT_MSG(x.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxColourData)), wxT("Object is not wxColourData"));XS_SERIALIZE_PROPERTY(x, wxT("colourdata"), name);
#define XS_SERIALIZE_COLOURDATA_EX(x, name, def) wxASSERT_MSG(x.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxColourData)), wxT("Object is not wxColourData"));XS_SERIALIZE_PROPERTY_EX(x, wxT("colourdata"), name, xsColourDataPropIO::ToString(def));

The macro XS_DECLARE_IO_HANDLER declares the new class xsColourDataPropIO which will handle the data members of wxColourData data type. Macros XS_SERIALIZE_COLOURDATA and XS_SERIALIZE_COLOURDATA_EX will be using for marking wxColourData data types in similar way like the macro XS_SERIALIZE used for standardly supported data types.

In the the macro XS_DEFINE_IO_HANDLER the programmer have to implement the functions xsColourDataPropIO::ToString and xsColourDataPropIO::FromString which will be responsible for conversion of processed data value to its string representation and vice versa.

// xsColourDataPropIO class /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// define class encapsulating custom data format handler
XS_DEFINE_IO_HANDLER(wxColourData, xsColourDataPropIO);

// two following static member functions of the data handler class MUST be defined manualy:

// wxString xsPropIO::ToString(T value) -> creates a string representation of the given value
wxString xsColourDataPropIO::ToString(const wxColourData& value)
        wxString out;
    wxColourData data = value; // << hack due to bug in WX: function wxColourData::GetCustomColour() isn't constant like wxColourData::GetColour()

        out << xsColourPropIO::ToString( data.GetColour() );
        for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                out << wxT("|");
                out << xsColourPropIO::ToString( data.GetCustomColour(i) );

    return out;

// T xsPropIO::FromString(const wxString& value) -> converts data from given string representation to its relevant value
wxColourData xsColourDataPropIO::FromString(const wxString& value)
        wxColourData data;

                int i = 0;
                wxStringTokenizer tokens(value, wxT("|"), wxTOKEN_STRTOK);

                        data.SetCustomColour(i, xsColourPropIO::FromString(tokens.GetNextToken()));

        return data;

Setting class contains member of data type wxColourData:

class Settings : public xsSerializable
        // RTTI and xsSerializable::Clone() function must be provided

        // constructor
        // copy onstructor needed by default implementation of xsSerializable::Clone() function
        Settings(Settings &obj);
        // destructor
        virtual ~Settings();

        // public data members
        wxColourData m_colourData;
// Settings class ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

XS_IMPLEMENT_CLONABLE_CLASS(Settings, xsSerializable);

        // set default values of application properties:
        for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)m_colourData.SetCustomColour(i, wxColour(i*16, i*16, i*16));

        // serialize colour data everytime
        XS_SERIALIZE_COLOURDATA(m_colourData, wxT("colordlg_content"));

        // this version of mark macro causes the data will be serialized only if its value
        // differs from the default one (the last macro parameter)
        //XS_SERIALIZE_COLOURDATA_EX(m_colourData, wxT("colordlg_content"), m_colourData);

Settings::Settings(Settings &obj)
        // set default values of application properties:
        m_colourData = obj.m_colourData;

        // serialize colour data everytime
        XS_SERIALIZE_COLOURDATA(m_colourData, wxT("colordlg_content"));

        // this version of mark macro causes the data will be serialized only if its value
        // differs from the default one (the last macro parameter)
        //XS_SERIALIZE_COLOURDATA_EX(m_colourData, wxT("colordlg_content"), m_colourData);

        // data clean up

The wxColourData data type member m_colourData is marked to serialize by previously defined macro XS_SERIALIZE_COLOURDATA. Note that new macros XS_DECLARE_CLONABLE_CLASS and XS_DECLARE_CLONABLE_CLASS were used in the code. These macros differ from DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS and IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS macros in such way that they implement also Clone() function for the class, which can be used for retrieving the exact copy of the class instance. This function is further used by wxXmlSerializer::CopyItems() member function and its copy constructor so a whole serializer's content can be copied in a single program line.

The last step in the initialization process of new IO handler is its registration. In this sample it is done in CustomDataSampleApp class by using the macro XS_REGISTER_IO_HANDLER.

The declaration and implemetation of CustomDataSampleApp class (taken from files CustomDataSample.h and CustomDataSample.cpp):

class CustomDataSampleApp : public wxApp
        virtual bool OnInit();
        virtual int OnExit();

        // public data members

        // settings class
        Settings *m_pSettings;

        // protected data members

        // main serializer object
        wxXmlSerializer m_XmlIO;
// CustomDataSampleApp class ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


bool CustomDataSampleApp::OnInit()
        // load application settings if the configuration file exists, otherwise create new
        // settings class object with default values

        // initialize serializer

        // register new property I/O handler 'xsColourDataPropIO' for data type with name 'colourdata'
        XS_REGISTER_IO_HANDLER(wxT("colourdata"), xsColourDataPropIO);

    // create serialized settings class object manualy with default values
    m_pSettings = new Settings();
    // insert settings class object into serializer as its root node

        if( wxFileExists(wxT("settings.xml")) )
        {               // load settings from configuration file
        // data stored in serializable classes can be also accessed in a standard way via class data members like this:
        // m_pSettings->m_nIntData = 100;
        // or via properties encapsulating the class members, for example in this way:
        // m_pSettings->GetProperty(wxT("integer_data"))->FromString(wxT("100"));
        // m_pSettings->GetProperty(wxT("integer_data"))->AsInt() = 1024;
        // wxPrintf( wxT("Value %d\n"), m_pSettings->GetProperty(wxT("integer_data"))->AsInt() );
    // create and show main application frame
    MainFrame *frame = new MainFrame(NULL);

    return true;

int CustomDataSampleApp::OnExit()
        // write application settings
        if( m_pSettings )
                // serialize settings to XML file
                m_XmlIO.SerializeToXml(wxT("settings.xml"), xsWITH_ROOT);

        return 0;

Colaborations between classes in this sample:


A content of the output XML file created bz this sample application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<settings owner="CustomDataSampleApp" version="1.0.0">
        <object type="Settings">
            <property name="id" type="long">-1</property>
            <property name="colordlg_content" type="colourdata">64,0,128,255|0,0,0,255|16,16,16,255|32,32,32,255|48,48,48,255|64,64,64,255|80,80,80,255|96,96,96,255|112,112,112,255|128,128,128,255|144,144,144,255|160,160,160,255|176,176,176,255|192,192,192,255|208,208,208,255|224,224,224,255|240,240,240,255</property>

Screenshot of the running application:

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