All classes which will be serialized must be derived from xsSerializable base class. Those data members of the serializable class which should be serialized will be encapsulated by the xsProperty class.
The xsProperty class instances can be created in several ways:
Using universal macros:
XS_SERIALIZE(member, field)XS_SERIALIZE_EX(member, field, defval)
Using one of defined macros designed for particular data type:
XS_SERIALIZE_INT(member, field)XS_SERIALIZE_INT_EX(member, field, defval)
Using the function of xsSerializable class:
xsSerializable::AddProperty(xsProperty *property)
The argument called member means the data member which should be serialized and field means the name of this member in the output XML structure. Macros with te suffix _EX allow user to define default property value. The property will be serialized only if the current value is different then default.
Now follows a simple example of implemenation a serializable class:
class SerializableObject : public xsSerializable
// RTTI must be provided
// declaration of the data members
wxString wxStringProperty;
wxPoint wxPointProperty;
int IntegerProperty;
//SerializableObject() {};
// initialization of the data members
wxStringProperty = wxString::Format(wxT("Object No. %d encapsulates wxString,
wxPoint and Integer data members"), ++constant);
wxPointProperty = wxPoint::wxPoint(constant, 2*constant);
IntegerProperty = constant*constant;
// mark the data members which should be serialized
XS_SERIALIZE( wxStringProperty, wxT("wxStringProperty") );
XS_SERIALIZE( wxPointProperty, wxT("wxPointProperty") );
XS_SERIALIZE_INT( IntegerProperty, wxT("IntegerProperty") );
virtual ~SerializableObject() {;}
static int constant;
int SerializableObject::constant = 0;